

EcoDesign is a design approach that considers the entire life cycle of a product, from its conception to the end of its useful life, with the aim of minimising waste and environmental impact, EcoDesign includes a synthesis of innovative design strategies, sustainable material choices, and comprehensive end-of-lives management.

VET: How can you ensure that a T-shirt is environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment during design, production, use and when you no longer need it?

HEI: What stratagies are needed to ensure an approach that considers entire life-cycles of a product?

EcoDesign is an approach that integrates environmental considerations into every stage of a product’s life cycle, from its initial concept through to its end of life. The primary goal of EcoDesign is to minimize the negative environmental impacts associated with the design, production, use, and disposal of products. This holistic approach not only addresses the environmental challenges of waste and pollution but also encourages innovation in sustainable material choices and product design strategies. At the heart of EcoDesign is the principle of considering the entire life cycle of a product. This means evaluating the environmental impact of every phase, including raw material extraction, manufacturing processes, distribution, usage, and ultimately, the product’s disposal or recycling. By understanding and optimizing each stage, designers can create products that are not only functional and appealing but also environmentally responsible. One of the key aspects of EcoDesign is the selection of sustainable materials. This involves choosing materials that are renewable, recyclable, or have a lower environmental footprint. For example, using organic cotton instead of conventional cotton reduces water usage and pesticide application. Additionally, incorporating recycled or upcycled materials can reduce the demand for virgin resources and decrease waste. Incorporating EcoDesign principles into fashion can lead to products that are not only better for the planet but also resonate more with consumers who are increasingly aware of environmental issues. By creating products that are sustainable, durable, and designed with their entire life cycle in mind, brands can appeal to eco-conscious consumers and build a reputation for environmental responsibility.

Case Studies

Veja is a footwear brand that focuses on transparency, organic materials, and fair trade practices. The company uses organic cotton sourced from Brazil and Peru and wild rubber from the Amazon, contributing to forest preservation. Veja also avoids harmful chemicals in its production process and emphasizes product durability to extend the life cycle of its shoes. Veja has become a leading example of how SMEs can successfully integrate EcoDesign principles, building a strong brand identity centered on sustainability and ethical practices. The company’s approach has resonated with environmentally conscious consumers globally.
Learn more about Veja

Outerknown, co-founded by professional surfer Kelly Slater, focuses on creating sustainable and ethical apparel. The brand uses organic, recycled, and regenerated materials, such as Econyl (recycled nylon). Outerknown also prioritizes fair labor practices and is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through responsible sourcing and production methods. Outerknown has set a new standard for sustainable fashion in the surf and outdoor apparel industry. The brand’s commitment to EcoDesign has helped it gain recognition for its environmental and social responsibility.
Learn more about Outerknown

PANGAIA is a materials science company focused on creating sustainable clothing using innovative materials. The brand uses bio-based fibers, such as seaweed fiber and recycled cotton, and incorporates natural dyes derived from fruits and vegetables. PANGAIA also emphasizes the importance of circularity by designing products that can be recycled or composted at the end of their life cycle. PANGAIA has positioned itself as a leader in sustainable innovation, setting an example for how fashion can be both stylish and environmentally responsible. The company’s approach to EcoDesign has garnered widespread attention and acclaim.
Learn more about PANGAIA

Ganni, a Danish fashion brand, has adopted several EcoDesign principles, including the use of certified organic cotton, recycled wool, and traceable materials. The company also focuses on reducing waste by using leftover fabrics and deadstock materials in its collections. Ganni’s “Ganni Repeat” initiative promotes circular fashion by offering customers the option to rent instead of buy, thereby extending the life cycle of garments. Ganni’s approach to EcoDesign has made it a leading example of how fashion SMEs can embrace sustainability without compromising on style or innovation. The brand’s efforts have been recognized as part of the global movement towards more responsible fashion consumption.
Learn more about Ganni
